Coronavirus (COVID-19): Customer Support
Latest News
23/10/2020 – Local Restriction Support Grant (LRSG) Application now available
Further details can be found via the link below.
28/09/2020 – Test and Trace Support Payment Application Solution now available
Further details can be found via the link below.
21/09/2020 – Application Form for Government’s new package to support and enforce self-isolation
Following the recent Government announcement about a new support package for people needing to Self-Isolate, Victoria Forms are creating an Application Form for Local Authorities which will be available for review this week. A link will be added to this page as soon as it is ready.
“Just under 4 million people who are in receipt of benefits in England will be eligible for this payment, which will be available to those who are required to self-isolate from 28 September.
Local Authorities will be working quickly to set up these self-isolation support schemes and we expect them to be in place by 12 October. Those who start to self-isolate from 28 September will receive backdated payments once the scheme is set up in their Local Authority.”
We will be taking guidance from any Government publications as and when these become available.
08/07/2020 – With the recent reopening of the hospitality sector on 4th July, and the Draft Guidance for Pavement Licensing released on 25th June, the Government is looking to simplify and reduce the costs of the licensing process for outdoor seating and stalls, making it easier for people to safely drink and dine outside. There will also be temporary changes to licensing laws to allow many more licensed premises, such as pubs and restaurants, to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises.
Victoria Forms supply a number of Authorities with a Licensing eForms Solution, and have recently created a new draft application form for Pavement Licensing, which can be provided to Local Authority customers as part of their Licensing eForms Library. The form can be reviewed from the demonstration link below.
If you have any requirements or guidance for this new form – please contact us.
26/05/2020 – Following a recent Government change to eligibility criteria for the new Discretionary Grant, with the Self Employment Income Support Scheme being removed from the list of funds a business can not be receiving, Victoria Forms have made some adjustments to the Discretionary Business Grants Application form we are offering to our user-base. As previously communicated, this new form is available FREE of charge to all of our Revenue & Benefit customers.
Adjustments have also been made to the form according to feedback provided by Local Authorities looking to use the form to accept applications, for which Victoria Forms is very appreciative of.
If your Council wishes to use this form, please let us know.
19/05/2020 – Following the release of more detailed guidance on the Local Authority Discretionary Fund, Victoria Forms have completed the creation of a working draft of a Discretionary Grants Fund Application Form. This new form is available FREE of charge to all of our Revenue & Benefit customers.
As this scheme looks to be taking a more Council-led approach, we will also be taking feedback from customers as to the form content. We will ensure that information collected will help Local Authorities best allocate their funds; and is applicable to as many Authorities as possible. As such, the demonstration form available may be subject to developmental updates in the coming days.
If your Council wishes to use this form, please let us know.
14/05/2020 – More detailed guidance has now been released about the Local Authority Discretionary Fund, following the announcement last week about a top-up to the local business grant funds scheme.
The guidance makes reference to this new fund being distributed at the discretion of the Local Authority, and adapting the approach to their local needs; as outlined below:
“14. Local authorities may disburse grants to the value of £25,000, £10,000 or any amount under £10,000. The value of the payment to be made to a business is at the discretion of the local authority.
17. Local authorities have discretion to make payments of any amount under £10,000. It will be for local authorities to adapt this approach to local circumstances, such as providing support for micro-businesses with fixed costs or support for businesses that are crucial for their local economies. We expect that payments of under £10,000 may be appropriate in many cases.“
With this in mind, Victoria Forms are using the Government Guidance Document to build an initial form template, and will then take into account feedback from our customers to build a new application form for the Local Authority Discretionary Fund. Our aim is to build a form which ensures the information collected helps Local Authorities allocate the funds to those most in need; and is applicable to as many Authorities as possible.
If you have any requirements or guidance for this new form – please contact us.
04/05/2020 – Victoria Forms are looking to develop a new form template in response to the Government’s latest announcement, regarding a top-up to the local business grant funds scheme.
This scheme extension looks to be a more Council-led approach, so we are speaking with customers about how the form should be structured, to ensure the information collected helps Local Authorities allocate the funds to those most in need.
If you have any requirements or guidance for this new form – please contact us.
20/04/2020 – Local Welfare Emergency Grant and Loans Application Template Forms available for UK Local Authorities, which can be used for overall assessment of a person’s situation.
27/03/2020 – New forms have been added to our Standard Forms Library for UK Councils:
23/03/2020 – Our Forms Design Team is here to help.
With the introduction of Social Distancing – we are aware that many organisations will be looking to implement reliable online solutions quickly.
If you need an online form at short notice, the Victoria Forms team can assist. If urgent, we can provide a same day service, to design and implement forms for you.
Please contact us if:
- You would like any of the new templates added to your forms system.
- You have additional requests for new forms that we can design and share with other customers.
- You have a need for bespoke forms for your own particular requirements.