Test and Trace Support Payment:

Application Process

Latest draft of Test and Trace Support Payment Form now available

8th October 2020 – 15:00

An updated version of the Test and Trace Support Payment application form is now available for review, via the link below. Please see the development log for further details.

This form has been built based on government guidance and suggestions from our Local Authority customers.

We are expecting more guidance today from central government, so the design will be rapidly evolving. We are working on a single design of form suitable for any authority. When added to your system it will take on your local branding.

We recommend our Attachments Module for gathering evidence. This facility allows applicants to upload supporting documents directly to their application, meaning your staff will receive a complete application in one document. Once set-up, this add-on can be used with any of your forms.

For customers who prefer other evidence collection methods, the evidence upload page on the form has configurable options so it can include an email address/alternative link for applicants to send evidence to.

We anticipate that Data Export of incoming cases to an excel file will be useful for keeping track of your case load. We therefore recommend our Statistics Module – which is designed to allow you to extract data from selected forms on your system in CSV Format.

As standard, a PDF of the form and attachments can be downloaded from Enterprise Forms Server, or can be exported to your Document Management System (if you have DMS Integration set up on your system already).

To improve data integrity, we can also add the optional facility for validating bank details entered on the form, along with an address lookup feature.

Test and Trace form development log

Fixed prepopulation script for bank Branch when used without Loqate lookup

Added configurable option for ID to be requested as evidence for third party completion

“Will” discretionary scheme wording changed to “may

Added Official Use Only field to calculate SHA256 account / sortcode hash

Added Official Use Only field to calculate employment / self-employment / niether HMRC string (E / S / N)

Added fields to function with URL Rewrite of Loqate address lookup to existing LA LLPG lookup

Updates made to isolation start date validation to activate before end date is entered

Made “This scheme has not yet been approved and further details will be provided” sentence a configurable option, hidden by default

Made slight adjustments to fields that function with URL Rewrite of Loqate address lookup to existing LA LLPG lookup

Added initial fields (hidden in this release) to be used for discretionary scheme questions

“Test and Trust” typo updated to “Test and Trace”

Changed direction of initial questions to refer to “You” instead of the “Applicant”. Message pop-up notifies third-party completions of this

Updated Unique Test and Trace ID validation to allow lower case characters after seeing expected format

Added Unique Test and Trace ID fields for previous payment identification (non-mandatory with validation)

Added configurable discretionary questions page, each individual question can be hidden as required. Questions –

  • Have you applied for a qualifying benefit and are awaiting a decision, or do you have an outstanding appeal against a decision for a qualifying benefit?
    • Please state which qualifying benefit you have applied for or are awaiting the outcome of an appeal for
    • If known, please state the date you applied or submitted an appeal for this qualifying benefit on
  • In as much detail as you can, please tell us why you will be facing financial hardship as a result of being notified by NHS Test and Trace to self-isolate.
  • What are your normal gross weekly earnings?
  • How much capital do you have? Please include the total of all bank accounts, savings, shares, investments and property you own other than your home
  • As a result of self-isolating have your earnings reduced by 50% or more?
  • Are you a student?

Added “scheme” identifier to Official Use Only section to record “Standard” or “Discretionary” application