Victoria Forms User Conference 2017

Held on 15th November 2017 at The Grange Hotel, Holborn, the 2017 Victoria Forms User Conference was a well-supported and informative event, which prompted some excellent discussion between Victoria Forms Customers.

On this page you can find resources from the event, including copies of our speaker presentations, User Forum overview, and information about new products!

The agenda for the User Conference can be found here: Victoria Forms User Conference 2017 – Agenda

Wednesday 15th November 2017
The Grange Hotel
Central London

Speaker Presentations

David Sycamore
David SycamoreLicensing Team Manager - Westminster City Council
As well as being Westminster’s Licensing Manager for the past two and a half years, David has also been a Special Constable for 11 years, the last 18 Months with the City of London Police.
David has worked within Local Authority Licensing for 5 years and joined Westminster City Council during the very early testing & implementation phase of the introduction of Victoria Forms’ Licensing eForm system and continues to work to improve efficiencies and the Customer experience.
In addition to David’s presentation slides, on the day he was able to demonstrate data moving through Victoria Forms into Idox Uniform Back Office in real time, showing the fantastic time savings achieved by Westminster City Council.

How Integrated Forms Transformed Our Service

Robert Shefras and James Rawlins
Robert Shefras and James RawlinsBusiness Development Representative; Business Consultant, CallCredit Group
James Rawlins (IRRV Tech) is a Business Consultant with the Callcredit Information Group specialising in the Public Sector. James started working in Local Government in 1991 performing several different roles in his career, including Benefits Manager at Swindon Borough Council, and has been a Consultant for more than 10 years. James was instrumental in the development of Risk Based Verification and designed Local Council Tax Reductions schemes for around 30 councils.

Robert Shefras is a Business Development Representative with the Callcredit Information Group working within the Public Sector. Robert initially started working for Callcredit in 2015, being a junior account manager within various sectors, including Finance, Legal and Insurance. After becoming a Business Development Representative he decided to specialise within the Public Sector and now manages a large portion of all Local Authorities and Housing Associations within the organisation, as well as developing new business. Within Local Authorities Robert works with most departments and as such, has a breadth of knowledge and understanding into the difficulties and objectives that they face as a whole.

Introducing: CallValidate

Robin Davies
Robin DaviesAccuracy & System Control Officer – Flintshire County Council
Robin’s career with Flintshire Council began 14 years ago as a Visiting Officer on the Verification Framework, working for the Housing Benefit Team. After some years he moved directly into Housing Benefit, working as an Assessor – progressing to an Accuracy Checker and six months later was asked to take on the Systems Officer role as well.
He has held this position for 3 years, fully utilising his extensive knowledge and experience overseeing the day to day running of Civica’s Open Revenues Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction system, and Victoria Forms’ eForm System. More recently he has concentrated in this area, extending the library of forms available for customers on Flintshire CC’s website.

Paper to Online – A Practical Solution

Simon Bailey
Simon BaileyRevenues and Benefits Consultant - ISCAS Ltd
Simon is a qualified freelance Revenue & Benefits professional who has undertaken many roles in Local Taxation, Benefits and ancillary services.
With a keen interest in utilizing new technology within Revenue & Benefits, he is involved in current and emerging welfare reforms and how they impact on authorities.
He has considerable experience in managing and supervising Revenue & Benefits Services, specialising in the implementation of IT systems and performance improvement and, in particular, the Digital by Default agenda.

Then, Now, and the Future of Digital Services

Rob Duddle and Karen Land
Rob Duddle and Karen LandSenior Projects Manager and HB & CT Team Leader, Teignbridge District Council
Rob has 34 years of experience of working at Teignbridge District Council, having had 26 years in Revenues & Benefits and 8 years as a Senior Project Manager in Business Improvement & Development. During this time he has gained a wide range of knowledge and experience in Revenue & Benefits and used this to maximise efficiencies and improve the day to day operation and running of the department. Rob is now Project managing the cultural and technical rollout of a new digital platform.

Karen has worked and lived in Teignbridge for more than 29 years, having started her Career working in the Cash Office and then moving into Council Tax when it was first introduced in 1993! Council Tax is where Karen believes she has the most knowledge and experience and is still ‘training’ in the Benefits arena – even after 4 years of being in Housing Benefit and Council Tax. As HB & CT Team Leader, her front line role involves managing the Team and dealing with Housing Benefit and Council Tax enquiries – over the phone and face to face.

How we achieved 100% online take-up

Duncan Bayne, Ophelia Chan, & Dan Soper
Duncan Bayne, Ophelia Chan, & Dan SoperManaging Director, eForms Consultant, IT Technician; Victoria Forms
Duncan Bayne is the Managing Director of Victoria Forms, and used this afternoon session to provide updates on product developments, as well as introduce our newest product – VF Creator – eForm Design Software that uses Microsoft Word to create fully interactive online forms.

Ophelia Chan is an eForms Design Consultant, specialising in VF Creator forms, and Dan Soper is one of our talented IT Technicians, involved in development of the latest version of Enterprise Forms Server – EFS Core.

Company Roadmap, Developments, and VF Creator Launch

Andrew Mearns and Elaine Cook
Andrew Mearns and Elaine CookWeb Manager, and CRM Developments & Integrations Manager, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Andrew is Web Manager at Stockton Council and has been with the Authority for 6 years.
His key role is responsibility for the content and development of the Council’s websites. Andrew is particularly keen on improving the ‘Customer journey’ when using digital services and to aid Channel Shift. eForms are therefore a key part of the wider project and the plans at Stockton.

Elaine has a wealth of experience within Local Authority Customer Service and has held the position of CRM Development & Integrations Manager at Stockton for 2 years.
Elaine continues to look at ways of improving processes and procedures to enhance the Customer experience of interacting with Councils, supporting and implementing technology that makes things easier for the customer – whilst also striving to improve efficiencies.

Process mapping & complex integrations in Revenues and Benefits

Samantha Foster
Samantha FosterDeputy Head of Benefits Services, Gosport Borough Council
Samantha has worked at Gosport Council for 12 years, beginning her Career as a Customer Services Officer, progressing to her current role as Deputy Head of Benefit Services.
Her key responsibilities include monitoring performance and efficiency within the department with a key focus on Channel Shift.
She also supports Project Management and assists with annual subsidy and audit controls.

Gosport – The Story So Far