Product Features

Accessible Forms:

To make forms available to users with visual disabilities, our eForms can be presented in a simplified text only format.

These non-JavaScript text versions are optimised for users of screen reader software or those with other visual impairments, and have been designed to make form completion as easy as possible for these users

Users are able to change the text size and colour contrast of the form as it is being completed.

The design and layout of the text version aids completion:

  • On screen text is made much larger, and can be altered by the user
  • Page layout is greatly simplified – questions only appear one line at a time
  • Columns are eliminated from the page, meaning text can be greatly magnified, without forcing the user to constantly scroll across the page
  • Elements of form intelligence are maintained, users will still only see the pages and questions relevant to their application
  • Font styles are chosen for their readability

On submission, data is extracted from the non-JavaScript text version of the form. For subsequent processing, Enterprise Forms Server then populates the standard version of forms for printing, or converting to an image file. Non-JavaScript forms may therefore be processed in exactly the same way as other forms.

Offline Forms:

Our offline eForms bridge the gap between paper forms and online solutions. Situations arise where a constant internet connection is not possible, and organisations could be forced to resort to using paper forms and have to manually enter information when connectivity is restored.

Where regular offline form completion is required, our offline forms module provides the user with fully functional eForms offline, which can then be seamlessly submitted to the server when connected to a network.

Our internet forms for all devices can run offline once downloaded; however, they must first be opened from an online forms system.

Victoria Form’s offline eForms capability is enabled by the local installation of an application module on a Windows laptop, Notebook or Tablet. This enables the remote use of all authorised offline eForms sanctioned for the given user, without any internet or network connection. These eForms may be opened, filled, E-Signed, and saved, all while offline. Synchronisation of completed eForms occurs automatically when the user is next connected via the internet or Council Office network, to the Enterprise Forms Server.

Offline forms have all of the advanced features available with the standard browser versions.

  • Only users given permission to use offline eForms are able to do so. These permissions are assigned within the Enterprise Forms Server online management application
  • Any updates made to the eForms and / or their configuration settings in the online system are sent and synchronised in the offline application whenever a network connection is available
  • Submitted eForms will automatically be submitted to the online system once a connection to the secure network can be established
  • If attachments are enabled, it is possible to both include attachments, e.g. photographed / scanned evidence, as well as rotate image files when they are attached to the eForm
  • eSigning allows customers to sign completed forms in their own home using a device compatible stylus or attached eSigning pad.
  • The attachments / evidence collection module is ideal for offline working – fill in forms in the customer’s home or business premises, then photograph documents and attach them to the eForm before submission. The form and evidence is then handled as one case.

Add-On Modules for eForms

Attachments / Evidence Collection Add-on

In various scenarios, eForms need to be accompanied by evidence documentation.

The Attachments / Evidence Collection module allows images taken using a camera or scanner to be attached to eForms. Images can be stored alongside eForms once submitted, and also exported to the document system as a single case…..

CRM / Customer Portal Integration Add-on

For councils that wish to use our eForms in conjunction with their own CRM system and / or a Customer Portal, Victoria Forms supplies a ready-made module, which allows integration with minimal additional coding…..

Electronic Signing

Where a signature remains a legal requirement, eForms can be transmitted electronically, but the declaration pages would normally have to be printed, signed and returned by post. This slows down form administration and makes it more difficult for the user to complete forms quickly…..


Our multiform technology allows a group of eForms to be filled in as one case. It is most useful when capturing information for multiple departments or for multiple organisations. The technology is designed to make this task easy and productive.

One or more questionnaires are provided to users. These guide the user through a series of questions that determine their needs. Business rules are then used to generate…..
The user fills in one form at a time, but information entered on one form is automatically passed to any other form in the package that asks the same question. Information is only entered once, regardless of how many forms on which it appears – this greatly reduces the amount of time form….
On completion of a multiform package, the underlying software can take form data and use it to populate a set of documents. These might include declaration pages for signing, customer specific guidance, letters for one or more recipients, and/or blank forms for printing and handing to other parties…..
On completion, forms are submitted to Enterprise Forms Server. The multiform package is then separated back into individual forms. Each form will follow its predefined rules for processing – each can be routed to a separate department or different back-office system. Each form will be treated as if it had been filled-in separately by the user.


Using Victoria Forms’ powerful add-on module, statistics are easily generated from form data within Enterprise Forms Server. Records can be filtered by eForm type, eForm category, individual user, user group (including web self-service) and date of submission….