Personal Budget Support System
Developed over 3 years with Wigan Council – A Standalone Case Management System for Councils to manage Personal Budget and Welfare Support for clients referred to from DWP as part of Universal Credit shift, or coming through other routes.
As Universal Credit claimants switch from direct payment of rent to their landlords and from weekly or fortnightly benefit payments to a single monthly payment, it is expected that significant numbers of claimants will struggle to manage their finances.
One of Victoria Forms’ longstanding users, Wigan Council, was selected by the DWP Universal Credit team to develop a system and accompanying processes to deal with Personal Budget Support cases.
Working with regular feedback from Wigan Council, we have created a competent Case Management System that covers all aspects of a PBS case lifecycle, from initial contact and import into the system, through to managing appointments and outputting provider reports.
The system is now available to any Local Authority taking on a the role of assisting Universal Credit applicants.