For Building Control Departments

Building Control departments wishing to use intelligent online forms for applications can benefit from Victoria Forms’ experienced design team to create a range of building control forms.

An advanced mapping facility can be added to any form, which allows applicants to select their required location, and view existing planning applications and advice.

Payment processing can also be included on forms, coupled with automated fee calculations to keep applications as simple as possible.

Plans and other required evidence can be attached directing to applications, using the Attachments module, which are submitted alongside the application for easy processing.

Features and Additional Processing

Integration – Idox Uniform

Data from Building Control forms can be integrated directly into Idox Uniform using the relevant Idox Connector.

On submission, our forms create an XML file of data entered by the applicant, which is sent to the connector to create a new application record. Direct integration negates the need to rekey any information, saving time for staff members and money for your Local Authority.

Advanced Mapping

For Building Control applications, it is important to ensure the location is as accurate as possible. Access to an interactive map helps applicants select the correct address or site location, over and above a simple lookup.

The Victoria Forms service uses Google maps to provide an integrated map on the form, so customers can drop a pin on their selected location (or use location services to automatically do this) and the system will return relevant information about nearby locations which can be viewed and/or added to. The communication with the database held within a back office system (such as Idox Uniform) provides very accurate location results, as it uses registered addresses instead of using simple geocoding.

Payment Processing

Where fees are applicable, forms can connect with your authority’s chosen payment provider to incorporate a seamless transition between form data and payments. Selected information can prepopulate the payment system e.g. validated applicant email address, which saves time and prevents errors.

Payment systems we currently work with include: XPay, CivicaPay and WorldPay.

Address Lookup

Using a snapshot of a back office property database, or a service such as Gazetteer, an address lookup functionality can be added to any eform to help claimants or assistive members of staff quickly find a valid address.

The address lookup service also provides a Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) to accompany the property address, which helps with direct XML integration into Back Office Systems such as Northgate or Idox Uniform, which may require manual intervention without the UPRN.

Enterprise Forms Server

The Enterprise Forms Server is the core system for forms administration. It handles hosting of forms, user access to blank and filled forms, and processes completed forms.

A number of Add-On Modules are available to further enhance the functionality and usefulness of the system, tailored to your needs.