Local Restrictions Support Grant:

Application Process

NEW FORM AVAILABLE: Local Restrictions Support Grant Application

11th November 2020

The Local Restrictions Support Grant Application form is now available for review, via the link below. Please see the development log for further details.

This new form is influenced by lessons learnt and best practise from the processes we provided and developed with Local Authorities for Discretionary Business Grants earlier in the year.

We plan to adapt this form to suit the forthcoming national lockdown requirements, subject to guidance from the Government, and our aim will be to have one form for: Tier 2 restrictions, Tier 3 restrictions, and national lockdown restrictions; with a single form being suitable for each use via initial filter questions. We are investigating methods for Local Authorities to be able to pre-select one of the Tier levels that all applicants will be applying for, therefore allowing them to adjust the form as their local lockdown level is changed.

This form has been built based on government guidance and suggestions from our Local Authority customers.

We recommend our Attachments Module for gathering evidence. This facility allows applicants to upload supporting documents directly to their application, meaning your staff will receive a complete application in one document. Once set-up, this add-on can be used with any of your forms.

We anticipate that Data Export of incoming cases to an excel file could be useful for keeping track of your case load. We therefore recommend our Statistics Module – which is designed to allow you to extract data from selected forms on your system in CSV Format.

As standard, a PDF of the form and attachments can be downloaded from Enterprise Forms Server, or can be exported to your Document Management System (if you have DMS Integration set up on your system already).

To improve data integrity, we can also add the optional facility for validating bank details entered on the form, along with an address lookup feature.

Local Restrictions Support Grant Application development log

Initial draft of form made available

Numerous changes to form to arrive at updated version including Tier Two and Tier Three application routes

Numerous changes to form to arrive at updated version including Tier Two, Tier Three and National lockdown application routes. General updates to improve validations

Updates to validation blocks and added ability to pre-select a tier level application to remove the choice from applicants. This can be changed quickly by a Local Authority as local restrictions change

Removed references to Council Tax and changed address lookup text to reference “Business address”

Updated support notes for National Lockdown route through the form

Added additional Limited Company / Sole Trader to initial questions. If “Sole trader”, then “Date of birth” question is displayed

Added “Please select the sector which applies to your business” / “Nature of business” field for forced closure types identification

Added “Did the business receive a Business Support grant during the last National Lockdown?” question for previous grant information

Updated “Providing supporting documents” page to feature dynamic checklist with configurable items

Improvements made to the form to better cover for Additional Restrictions / Discretionary Grant routes